SMA PASUNDAN 2 CIANJUR akan menggelar acara " SOENDA FUTSALL COMPETITION 2009 " yang akan digelar mulai tanggal 21 - 23 Pebruari 2009. Kejuaraan antar SMA/ SMK / SMP ini akan di ikuti oleh seluruh sekolah di Kabupaten Cianjur. So...buat kalian yang memiliki team Futsall yang hebat, segera daftarkan aja ke sekretariat SMA Pasundan 2 Cianjur Lt.2 Labkom. SFC memperebutkan piala bergilir dan piala tetap, selain itu akan mendapatkan merchandise dari sponsor.....
AC Milan offer Beckham £4m a year as the England star steps up his bid to stay at San Siro
By Sportsmail ReporterLast updated at 1:14 PM on 06th February 2009
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David Beckham has reportedly negotiated a £75,000 a week deal to stay at AC Milan, but insists money is not his motivation.
An agreement is also said to have been reached on his image rights and the Italian club will now launch a £4.35million bid to sign him from the Los Angeles Galaxy.
Beckham appears confident of securing a stay beyond his loan deal, which expires on March 9, and is thought to have enquired about a £600,000-a-year apartment near the centre of the city.

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